I'm sorry this is such a late response. I haven't visited this site in ages due to not-enough-spoons! (you have so many spoons per day and sometimes y...
It's great to see you back! Please tell Mrs. Cow that I wish her good luck on keeping up with you in your fancy chair.
Hi Jim, Please note that epsg.io is not the official EPSG registry website,is. I'm a member of the IOGP subcommittee that maintains it.
So good to hear from you! I hope you have a speedy recovery.
The NGS webinar this Thursday, February 8, will have an update.
I read a ton of books that I'm pretty sure no one here will be interested in, but because I see a few SF books listed, let me recommend the Murderbot ...
What's more fun is that they're twins and I specifically asked the school to give them different schedules. Beyond the 'special' classes (gym, art, mu...
My kids' middle school has 9 periods. English/Language Arts and Math are allocated 2 periods each. Science and Social Studies get 1 each. 1 period is ...
From what I can find, Medicare initial enrollment is between 3 months before and 3 months after you turn 65 but only takes effect the month your turn ...
Oh, that's right, my county assessor said that the new tentative assessments would be out today. Last updated 6 years ago. The new proposed value is 3...
Some items that caught my and colleague's attention was a change to the transverse Mercator and Lambert CC algorithms, they have alphanumeric IDs for ...
@norman-oklahoma That's not what I heard but I was distracted a few time by kids. I heard that the finalization of the SPCS zones would likely be by t...
Oregon has had a system of Low Distortion Projections incorporated in state statutes for a decade, but I still can't get my GIS department to output d...
Option B in my opinion will allow the contractor to excavate around the catch basin where as Option A will not. With Option A, half of the catchbas...