I have been to the county court house, through nearly every minute book in city hall, and contacted the state to see if they had old maps/surveys. Wh...
Interesting... So, what determines Point-of-beginning? Would the map, that was drawn before the lot was sectioned off, then determine the Point-of-be...
For those of you who stated that it matters what was first: the map or the pins. The pins are not consistent from block to block (meaning there is not...
1) I am sorry to anyone who thinks this is a trick - It is not. I do not care, at all, personally, what the Right-of-Way is, my only concern is findin...
@.mulambda382 No, this is not in Texas
We have professional surveyors involved. They all agree it is the correct map, the correct road, and that the right-of-way shown on the map is 60'. ...
Thank you for your help. However, I still desperately need some kind of proof that the city map prevails, in order to show the others on my street. ...
Thank you, and I am not trying to adversely possess any land. I am only trying to find out what, in the end, legally determines the right-of-way/poin...