I don't have a tripod, but there's a photo of it on page 11, showing cross slides. K&E originally was painted in a crinkled green paint, so yours ...
Well you could put an RTK or prism on the top of something like this and a prism at the hole for a backsight. Make sure it's plumb of course. It has a...
Be good to see this scanner in your lidar shootout, to demonstrate the difference least squares makes (with and without). I can share a copy of our s...
Our customer has a threee year old least squares adjustment of an Airport runway, there has been some subsidence, he's planning on using horizontal di...
Great video. Just yesterday, I modified our in house software to translate Topcon GLS scanner prism target observations into Star*Net .dat format, fo...
👍 Excellent video.
I can show you a small job if you like, it's fairly simple. The hardest part is entering covariance matrices from Sinex files.
I've been using SALSA for about three years, it works great, we wrote our own software to convert Trimble JobXML files and project files from Topcon's...
Definitely a Leica height hook, we use it for every tripod height measurement, no matter what instrument we're using.
I don't believe 5mm @ 95% confidence is possible for that scanner, but likely they're quoting std deviation, which is 68% confidence, so 10mm @ 95% co...
Great video, I really like the part where you discuss accuracy. This is a common problem with laser scanner manufacturers, there just isn't the same ...
@not-my-real-name Refraction affects levelling and total station measurements the same way. Air layers are horizontal, these cause refraction that af...
A quick update, I managed to organise the prism holders and carriers, so I had a 0.16mm range in height for the traverse kits. For the prism poles I f...