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Unofficial Gov. Survey

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I have to look for a N1/4, at the point is a Gov survey from 1899, the Township was surveyed in 1881. The 1899 survey missed a number of original stones. So just in case this lead cap is sitting nearby to the original I'm going to do a search.

I look at the original survey that is on a rocky hill area. He set a 10x10x5 granite in a mound of earth, one pit 8lks (5.3') north. Chances of this stone being there is minimal, but we've found others near these big lead caps. The idea of setting these stones in an earth mound was not great. If they are recovered they are almost always loose. And he didn't mention marking this one. Should be fun, a subdivision hinges on the location of the 1/4 and the 1899 survey being unofficial and declared by the "surveyor" (army officer with apparently no training) to be used for grazing just adds to the fun.

The monument: 52" long 6" brass cap

Any luck with the 10x10x5 granite marker?

Nope, nothing, wasn't expecting to find anything but you've got to be careful around these big monuments. That thing must weigh 70-80 pounds. There is still a considerable amount of pipe in the ground broken off. Ditch cleaners got it.


Yeah, only this isn't an official monument. There are no records or even maps for it with the BLO-GLO office. I wonder if the $250 applies.

Has anyone ever been fined ever in the history of monuments? Make it $25,000 and enforce it. But I digress

Has anyone ever been fined ever in the history of monuments?

I doubt it.

No longer "fined not more than $250" it is now "shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than six months, or both" See 18 USC 1858

I have not heard of any prosecutions but the statement "fined under this title" can include the cost of the surveying to replace destroyed monuments. In really ugly situations that can easily reach the 25k mentioned.

The issue is proving "willfully." Easy enough to just say it was accidental, as in many cases with machinery.

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