Quote from D. J. Fenton on July 5, 2010, 2:43 pmDJ, like the avatar
Well, thanks, Mr. Jennings!
For those who aren't familiar with him, it is Dr. Thaddeus Venture.
DJ, like the avatar
Well, thanks, Mr. Jennings!
For those who aren't familiar with him, it is Dr. Thaddeus Venture.
Quote from dave-karoly on July 5, 2010, 3:05 pmTR took on major moneyed interests of his day.
He broke the monopolies.
Someone like TR is what is needed today to break the power of the major corporations.
TR took on major moneyed interests of his day.
He broke the monopolies.
Someone like TR is what is needed today to break the power of the major corporations.
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