SOPA/PIPA Protest on January 18th, 2012
Quote from Merlin III on January 18, 2012, 5:39 pmGood job Wendell. The freakin gov wants to control everything. We need to stand up to this BS.
Good job Wendell. The freakin gov wants to control everything. We need to stand up to this BS.
Quote from Sam Clemons on January 18, 2012, 10:30 pmThat photograph of Pippa probably violates some copywrite law. Of course the other side of the coin is there is already plenty of anti copywrite legislation. The guitar in my avatar is a "lawsuit" Gibson copy.
That photograph of Pippa probably violates some copywrite law. Of course the other side of the coin is there is already plenty of anti copywrite legislation. The guitar in my avatar is a "lawsuit" Gibson copy.
Quote from Wendell on January 19, 2012, 2:23 amWell, I'm dumb. I made this announcement, added the SOPA/PIPA splash page, and never shut down P&R. LOL!
So, to help partially make up for my oversight, and since a couple of users decided to get nasty with each other in P&R, I'm banning them both for a few days and turning off P&R until tomorrow sometime.
Well, I'm dumb. I made this announcement, added the SOPA/PIPA splash page, and never shut down P&R. LOL!
So, to help partially make up for my oversight, and since a couple of users decided to get nasty with each other in P&R, I'm banning them both for a few days and turning off P&R until tomorrow sometime.
Quote from DeralOfLawton on January 19, 2012, 12:10 pmIf this passes this will occur more and more often.
If this passes this will occur more and more often.