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Combining Total Station, GNSS & Levelling data

In this video I explore a few different methods to combine total station, GPS and levelling survey data. Both in the field & in the office. From the simplest method of setting up a total station on a pair of RTK observed points, to a full fledged Least Squares adjusted control network with static, RTK, total station & levelling data in the same project.

👍 Excellent video.

Great video.

Just yesterday, I modified our in house software to translate Topcon GLS scanner prism target observations into Star*Net .dat format, for a surveyor we're working with. I haven't come across other companies including their 3D laser scanner observations in least squares, but I can say, it has a huge impact on the quality of scan registration.

Pf, that sounds extremely interesting. Could you expand a bit more on the process?

Our customer has a threee year old least squares adjustment of an Airport runway, there has been some subsidence, he's planning on using horizontal distances and angles from three years ago and combining it with a level traverse and observations from our Topcon GLS scanners. The GLS workflow will use resection of prisms on fixed height mini tripods over existing control. The GLS measures prisms and records slope distance, horizontal and vertical angles.

Differential heights, GLS observations, with horizontal distances and angles from three years ago will be used in a least squares analysis to determine new control coordinates, these will be used to register the scans, which will be used to identify areas of subsidence.

There's only a small time window, this is the only practical method to collect the data needed, accurately within the available time.

Be good to see this scanner in your lidar shootout, to demonstrate the difference least squares makes (with and without). I can share a copy of our software to convert the obs to StarNet .dat.

Another really good production.

You need to look into taking some of your work and setting it up as an online continuing professional development series! It is as good or better than many courses I've taken.