My company is hiring across Florida for a variety of roles from PSM to Field-Techs, CAD/office positions, interns, SITs, and engineering jobs.
The name of the company is Ardurra. You can access the various openings on the website via the link I attached. Feel free to reach out if you'd like. I'd be happy to answer questions. We need quality people and have offices across the State. Lots of options. - Derek (763)274-9700
What kind of surveys does your company perform?
A variety of stuff. Not specific like FDOT or hydrographic.
The offices have different strengths. Engineering and development feeds the survey department lots of work in the Tampa area.
Our other locations are more traditional survey, boundary & topo, construction, design, etc. There's both public and private clients covering a wide range of stuff, some small, some large.
The company overall is probably a larger portion engineering but FL has a strong survey group out of SW Florida, Miami, Ocala.