6 bidders are going after this so far, and the bid is up to $310. Although the instrument appears to be in generally decent shape, it's missing both mirrors, its tribrach and case. The horizontal circle wheel appears to be unusually large, and it looks like it has a lock. Is there something about this gun that makes is unusually valuable?
Not that I can see other than the oversize horz circle adjusting wheel - which I have seen (but don't own) one other time.
Is it a MIL instrument? I think Iremember seeing T2's at I-See-Oh Hall that had a similar modification, that I thought served some purpose in dealing with Lance and/or Perishing Missiles....
> Is it a MIL instrument?
I don't think so, but I'm not sure. Weren't the units graduated in mils so marked?
ask the seller
If they don't know ask them to look thru the micro tube and see if it says 0/400 or 0/360
90 degrees = 100 mils
90 degree = 1600 mil
360 degree = 6400 mil
Tombstone, AZ
> ask the seller
I'm not bidding on this one, I'm just curious why it's been bid up so high. The T2 I bought in September is in good working condition and came with both the bullet and transport cases. I paid about $320 delivered.
I was thinking about grads:'(
Well... It don't have those ugly lugs bolted to the top for EDM mounting.:-D
> Well... It don't have those ugly lugs bolted to the top for EDM mounting.:-D
Mine doesn't, either...anymore. 🙂
It went for $395. Somebody must have really wanted a project gun.
Was it a foreign buyer?
They will pay premium at times.
But I would think that a nice T2 erect image in excellent condition would bring 4 times that price.
If you were going to sell your, what do you think it is worth?
> But I would think that a nice T2 erect image in excellent condition would bring 4 times that price.
I don't know if it was erect or inverted. I didn't see anything in the listing or photos that disclosed that, but then I'm not a T2 expert, either.
> If you were going to sell your, what do you think it is worth?
The only answer I have for that is about $320 -- the price I paid -- since it was an open auction that closed barely a month ago. I regard ebay is about as perfect a market as we're likely to see in that regard. But since the demand for old theodolites is limited, ebay prices are also sensitive to how many are looking at any given time. I think I hit it near an ebb, as I've been casually watching T2 prices for a couple of years and have never seen complete and operational T2s that low.
Mine has an inverted image, a cracked (but usable) mirror, and a typical share of field blemishes, but is otherwise in really good shape. Most important, it's complete.
My transport case had seem some rough use. When I peeled off the duct tape, I saw that the bottom was separating from the main body, so I pulled out the foam liner and could see that the metal pins connecting the bottom to the body had mostly broken.
I drilled 8 holes around the bottom and through-bolted the bottom to the body, then sealed the gaps with silicone. (I trimmed the excess after the photo was taken.)