I am looking into buying an HP DesignJet T-130 24-inch printer, but I also need a scanner. It appears that 24-inch multifunction (printer and scanner) devices cost three times as much as the T-130. Does anyone have a suggestion of where to look for a lower-priced 24-inch scanner?
This is intended to be genuinely helpful and not flippant. ?ÿI apologize if this is off track. ?ÿBut I am very happy with the large format scanning services provided by my local UPS store.
Considering how seldom I may need to scan, outsourcing could make financial sense. However, it sure would be convenient to have the capability to do so in-house.
It's only money.
And it's tax deductible.
And you won't have to go out in the rain to get that scan you need now.
I ended up getting a T830 with the scanner - I got a lease with some GPS Equipment over 3 years ( made it a small payment each month) - Happy I did as it is very handy to be able to scan and email drawings right away
The local printer I used before was a good solution and probably cheaper over the long run, so it is just the convenience you pay extra for
A scanner is going to be at least $1000 more and there are some stand alone models , but the single unit saves space
In actuality I still like my old 450C ( should not have sold it) and the 1055, I bought afterwards ( in storage) - the new systems do not seem to do aerial backgrounds as well - always have lines running through the plot and the 450 let you load pre-cut single sheets easily - also my T830 only work with wifi for some reason
Still not sure why plotting has gotten so complicated - PDF does not auto orientate and the plot can vary if from a PDF or directly printed - It can drive one crazy
Ross Kinnie PLS
I have a Designjet 500 that stopped working last month because the Windows update and probably HP don't recognize it anymore.?ÿ Yesterday, I plugged in a surplus windows 98 machine and I am back in action albeit not on the network. But its a shorter distance between desks with my USB stick than to the UPS store.?ÿ I like the people at the UPS store, and they have been very helpful over the years scanning things for me but employee turnover is an issue. I've had to train a couple myself to operate their large format machine.?ÿ If I had a scanner I would in retirement, scan all the drawings I have rather than just recycling the paper. But alas, they are doomed to the scrap heap, like me.?ÿ?ÿ
Brad is on the right track. A good scanner cost even more than the ones you're looking at. You can get crazy high DPI from UPS or FedEx for $5.
I still like my old 450C ( should not have sold it)
Be glad you sold it, because you can't get ink for it anymore.?ÿ I had to replace my 450C for that reason -- it worked fine, just no available ink, except for outrageously-priced (like $70 per cartridge) stale stock that sometimes works, sometimes doesn't.
We had the same problem but lately the Win 10 boxes are back to printing to the Designjet 500 again. I believe this was the result of another Windows update. One office connects via USB, the other with a network card via ethernet cable.
Licensed Land Surveyor
Finger Lakes Region, Upstate New York
@daniel-ralph A short term fix that worked for me was uninstalling the offending update. Windows will reinstall it in a few days but it gets you moving in the short term.
If they have any value to the cadastre, the DNR will take them. They might not get to scanning them in any of our lifetimes.