Does anyone know of a camera that will receive RTK position from bluetooth or wifi from the Carlson BRx7?
I want to geotag my pics to RTK accuracy.
I have the Carlson Surveyor (Juniper), but the pics it takes are not good enough for my purposes.
If you use your cell phone to take the picture, any android GNSS software will mock the receiver's coordinate to log with the picture. A picture will show several feet of view, why do you need a millimeter coordinate??ÿ
Millimeter coordinate???????ÿ Are you kidding??ÿ?ÿ
Try taking your android out in the woods and use the gps on an android and I assure you that some of your tagged locations will be way off.?ÿ Carlson BRx7 is remarkably good under canopy, and I am simply trying to get the best location I can in the woods, including an approximate orthometric height.?ÿ
Millimeter NEZ???????ÿ What are you using to do that with RTK?
Possibly the Carlson data collector you are using could do that? The information seems to be there in some format, anyway.?ÿ
@frank-willis?ÿ ?ÿI do that a couple of times a week; always sub-centimeter. What I am using does not respond well on this site, but I am happy with it.
If you are looking for cm location on your photos, how are you positioning the camera??ÿ Unless you have some kind of mount on the rod or tripod you are going to be a couple of feet off anyway.
I want to geotag my pics to RTK accuracy.
There are lots of GeoTAG apps out there that do this. This is similar to PPK working with Drone imagery. We collect static data at the base, then run through a routine to update coordinates in the image. The key is syncing the time on your camera with your GPS.
Lee, Thanks.?ÿ I believe that is what I am going to try.
I'm not looking for cm accuracy on my photos.?ÿ I am just trying to get better positioning that I can get with autonomous iphone camera, especially in canopy.?ÿ The Carlson BRx7 is absolutely incredible in canopy, and I wanted to be able to use it to correlate my position with the photo.?ÿ I am aware of programs that appear to do this, all based on timing, but not sure which one will use my RTK data.?ÿ Are you aware of one that will use the RTK data like in ascii form or straight out of the Carlson Surveyor?
My Carlson Surveyor take 2mp pix, but they are lousy.?ÿ I wish they were better.?ÿ That would be the solution if they were good quality.?ÿ
Sub centimeter xyz always, and several times a week??ÿ I don't know what you are using or where you are doing this, but I know that I cannot do it with a Trimble or Carlson unit??ÿ Would love to know what you are using.?ÿ I agree that you can get that sometimes, but not all the time, even in wide open.?ÿ How many epochs are you using per shot?
Maybe you could look into a dc upgrade. It seems that the RT4 has an 8mp camera.