I have 3 Promark 2 units that I use for static GPS data collection. Recently, 1 of them has not been collecting data. It shows satellites on the "Satellite Status" screen, but on the "Survey Status" screen, it shows nothing.....no satellites, 0 PDOP, and the Observation timer isn't running. The other 2 units work perfectly. To check and be sure a cable wasn't bad, I set up all 3 units and let them run. 2 of them collected data, while the 3rd one had zero miles and only a minute or so on the Observation Timer after an hour and a half had passed. I turned off one of the other units, took the handheld and swapped it with the handheld of the 3rd unit and it worked great, so it has to be something with the handheld unit and not the cable or antenna. Any help would be appreciated. FYI, this unit is set up for Kinematic and Static, but I only use Static data.
I would look at the condition of the receptacle the external antenna cable plugs into.?ÿ The (fingers) pieces that surround the central post that makes the connection are not very sturdy and often break over time and use.?ÿ if that is the situation, the external antenna may simply not be making sufficient connection to detect the external antenna.
One thing to remember is that, unlike some other Ashtech/Thales/Magellan receivers, the Promark2 would not open a file and being to log data until it has locked the signals from enough satellites to solve its position.?ÿ Because of that, if the Promark2 is not getting a good signal from the external because the connector has lost the ability to make the connection solid between the cable and the receiver, I do not know of a remedy for that.?ÿ Back when Ashtech still had replacement units, the would swap receivers for?ÿ about $500.?ÿ We had a few of those until recently but they are gone now.
If you are running a late version of GNSS?ÿ solutions, there is a "virtual reference station" capability?ÿ that would allow you to download CORS data from at least three stations nearest your location.?ÿ The software will compile a GPS data file that is near your longest occupation and process it against your data.?ÿ It takes a bit of study to figure out?ÿ how to use it but it really works.?ÿ If you are still running Ashtech Solutions, that feature is not available in that software, but I assume you're not running Ashtech Solutions because I don't think it runs in today's Windows.