Anyone out there with experience on the subject topic?
Peripherally.?ÿ The pig gives you the distance/station where the anomaly is.?ÿ Based on that you snap a point at that station on the as-built CAD, and stake it out in the field with GPS.?ÿ If everything was done right, you should be there.
And if I have no as-built data, it appears as if my only option is to have the guys probe from the upstream and downstream AGM's and hope we don't miss a 'wiggle' in the line.?ÿ We are in the marsh in south Louisiana!?ÿ They just weld pipe up, and drop it in the swamp.?ÿ Thanks?ÿ so much for the reply!!
What's the question?
@flga-2-2 That m??s quite a ??whoops!? ????
Yea, and about 350,000 people bitchen their CATV/Inet service is down.. he..he.. ?????ÿ
Best practices, procedures really.?ÿ It's been awhile since I have done this.
Bad hair day to say the least!!
It's been awhile since I have performed this type of work and was curious to current methodologies.
If you have no as-built data, what are you going on, the design??ÿ
I don't think I'd take a job to find the anomalies, then.?ÿ I'd state that I can stake out a location on the ground based on the stationing they provide overlaid on the design plan or CAD they provide - with no guarantees that it's where they want it to be.?ÿ Other than that, good luck
Do you have a locator you can hook up to the test leads?
I can hook up to test leads, but I think I'm gonna pass on this one....