You guys read the Mr. Boffo comics? I love his "How to tell when you are dealing with someone who..." followed by the appropriate drawing showing the ludicrous situation.
I just received comments on one of my ALTA surveys, and the comments show I'm dealing with an attorney going down a checklist. She (I know it is a she) wants me to include optional Table A item 14 (distance to the nearest intersecting street) on a site which is adjacent to three (3) public streets and 10 (party walls) on a single metal building in the middle of the site. Also, I didn't say if the utility easement on the site and shown on the survey drawing affects the site.
I'm having a glass of wine with some Triscuits then I'm going to take a nap. How you like that!?ÿ
Adjacent to three streets.?ÿ Can't be much more accessible than that.
So when you show a distance for item 14 what do you measure??ÿ Middle of building or site to the nearest ROW??ÿ Or curb??ÿ Or crown on street??ÿ Or maybe something else?
That is a bizarre request.
I've had a similar property where the planning board sent it back to me saying they needed a locus map on the plan, since it's on their checklist.?ÿ Three streets intersecting, a north arrow, reference to the tax map/parcel, I mean, how could you not know where this lot is?
So, I copied and inserted a locus map in the corner that looked just like the plan itself, just showing the lot and the three streets labeled.?ÿ That let them check the box.?ÿ What the heck
How you like that!?ÿ
I??d rather have a corn dog and a beer. ?????ÿ