Keokuk the city is not in Keokuk County.?ÿ But the town of Webster in Keokuk County, not Webster County. We had a thread once upon a time here about such mismatches.
Name the location!
Yes, that's Russian territory across the pond 🙂
You got to be kidding! Looks too much like the one I couldn't make work.
It is an R 12 after all.....and great skies north west and south....east kinda sucked.... ?????ÿ
And the auto error was kinda high, but it's just a locate for Telco, and soon an investigation for the locators who have been scamming the majority of the people waiting for them.
This is the epitome of how NOT to do it.?ÿ I stopped when Driving past this setup, and as luck would have it, I knew the surveyor.
Luckily, I drove farther toward my house, and sure enough, see the crew completely out of site from their base, collecting data still unaware.
I roll down my window( which we all know invokes the surveyor knee kerk reaction look of "what the F do you want..." ) and ask " Hey guys, is that your base across the valley?"?ÿ "Uh Yeah, Why??"
Me:?ÿ The GPS base is leaning over, but stable, and lucky thing I found you.?ÿ I saw it that way about 20 minutes ago....Here look at the photo.....
Them:?ÿ " S&*^!"
Me:?ÿ "Don't worry, I already told Tom when i stopped by the office."?ÿ
Them: S^%&!!!!"
When I encountered something like this, I used to just get out and hold my hands over the antenna for a few minutes.?ÿ Didn't take long for the crew to come driving up fast and furious to see what what wrong with the base!
The multipath rejection with full GNSS on newer receivers is pretty incredible. Doesn't always work under those conditions, but 99% of the time when it tells you you are getting a good solution, it's telling the truth...
Travelling light - one tripod, no clothesline.
You are welcome to use this one. It was left overnight and we wanted to make sure we didn't find that it had toppled over the edge of the 200 ft high cliff approx. 15 feet away.?ÿ Sandbags work well to stabilize your setup.
Sandbags work well to stabilize your setup.
For sure. I don't think this setup would have worked without them...
its a surveying fact, all the people that never use sandbags for a tripod set up, will eventually one day wonder why they didnt the day the base gets toppled.?ÿ I read that somewhere, not experienced it ever, yeah, that....?ÿ?ÿ ;)?ÿ
Been using fixed height tripods for our GPS base(s) since 2006. In all that time, I've seen the base blown over ONE time, and that's because the greenhorn forgot to lock down 1 of the legs. He got a pretty severe a$$ chewing over that one.
See.?ÿ Sandbags would have sorta helped....the stupid easily stripped brass screw was his demise!