Hello all!
Apologies for not really being around for a bit...life is tricky at times, for everyone!?ÿ ??ÿ
I just wonder about this, because one of the things I do is measure houses and a certain amount of landscape at present (using a Leica Disto D8, quite old, but works perfectly), sometimes I could do with more accurate outdoor surveys and stepping it up a bit, so I thought about getting something that would need a tripod...very much funds permitting, a GPS dubbery as well (which can go in a very well padded topbox). I could always stick to my Laser level depending on the accuracy requirements (I have a?ÿLeica NA720 at the moment).
Should I just accept the restriction and get a cheap car for these odd jobs, or do you know of a method of carrying the tripod..perhaps even a compact but reliable tripod?
Thanks in advance and hope you're all well!?ÿ ??ÿ
No. ?ÿDo not give up your sweet two wheeled freedom.
Wait here for specifically helpful advice from others, coming soon.
I tried carrying a tripod on a bicycle once as an experiment.
The procedure didn??t make it into my manual of standard practice.
Why wouldn??t a modified version of this work?
I've seen a dozen?ÿ cases of Heniken in the bottle loaded on a moped headed down the street being delivered, so it can be done.
You guys remember the "Motorcycle Surveyor?" I think he passed away a few years ago.
Do a search for him and check out his rig, he hauled all his equipment on a standard bike.
wow, this is wierd.?ÿ I just saw where Nate mentioned him in another post about "carrying equipment on a motorbike", about a week or two ago.
I thought I was having deja vu all over again, like yogi-the-bear-a.?ÿ Took a while to find out which thread i was in.?ÿ
Hill Billies on motorcycles.?
Get with it and get an ATV or a UTV. And haul some stuff!
Not that there's anything wrong with Hill Billies.
Hi All, thank you so much for your comments, sorry for the delay, been having to draw and measure things 🙂
Thanks Brad, that's nice to hear - no intention to give up...although 'proper' surveys are in demand locally!
Excellent link Mark, thank you - I never even thought of searching for a similar thread.
Ha! 🙂 I'm not surprised Rich, that sort of procedure may be frowned upon!
Nice one GeeOddMike, not so sure it'll suit my moped, original though!
Thanks A Harris, I guess I could also carry the heinaken as a gift for the client (tax deductible of course!).
Thanks for that Strickland, peculiar that I've come along I guess - as always, I'm not the first!
Hehe, Skeeter, I couldn't be seen dead on an ATV. In the UK, people just look daft driving along the road on one, off-road they're practical enough though!
Pic attached of my moped for any interested.
I really don't have the funds right now, but I had a thought. If I could use a 'tripodless' GPS station which only needs a rod, that would make life easier. I could store the brains in a topbox, within custom cut Styrofoam. A little bit like the attached, only deeper and more protected. I still need to get a topbox for the new bike though, previous bike I had for 5 years had a great one, I could fit 2 crash helmets or plenty of food!
Nice bike. Here??s a variant of the previous carrier from a shop in Phuket:
Nice bike. Here??s a variant of the previous carrier from a shop in Phuket:
Thank you, it's only taken 20+ years of riding to afford a new(er) model...oh, and I'm paying for it over the next 4 years, ho hum.
Wow, gotta give those guys credit haven't you!
Hi All,
Just thought I'd update this thread.
After some decision, I've decided to keep the bike, for the majority of jobs it works perfectly.
Luckily my wife doesn't use the family car on Monday's and Friday's, so that being said, I'm looking into eventually getting a GPS Station of some sort.
Anyway, a discussion in another thread, so I'll due that to keep the place tidy 🙂