We were working on a boundary job for an existing hospital that was on the highway passing through the city. Before we were done, we met five people, individually, who were "out there". This had to be in 1999 because two were husband and wife. The wife was trailing the husband by about 15 feet and was pushing an empty shopping cart from the supermarket a couple blocks north on the opposite side of the highway. The husband was very interested in what we were doing, quoted scripture from time to time and figured that what we were doing would not matter once Y2K came, as the world would come to an end. Dead serious. The wife had to stay so many steps behind him at all times he said, quoting some more scripture.
We decided the nuclear energy plant a few miles outside of town was having quite an effect on the locals.
I've been wearing the little cheap on I got from Amazon in the field since I got it. It is worth the $30 bucks. Plus, I clip it to the visor and record while I'm driving. I think I'll keep it in my EDC.