I have a Sokkia SHC5000 that will not connect to Wifi.?ÿ I had the IT department look at it and no cigar. Has anyone had a similar problem?
I would suggest doing the battery disengage.?ÿ I have found that works for numerous problems, like disappearing bluetooth or modem modules.
Have it powered on, and hold the power button down for 20+ seconds.?ÿ ?ÿScreen will go black after ten but keep holding it.?ÿ After the 20+ seconds, if you let go and try powering it on, it wont.?ÿ Then, plug in the charging cable and a wall outlet and power it back on.?ÿ See if that works.?ÿ?ÿ
Im sure I.T. Did all the regular Windows updates, but How about the O? update? Download from sokkia, Topcon, or juniper
Current version is somewhere around 19043?ÿ