I've been looking for this font file for a while. Anyone know where I can get a hold of this Dashed.shx
For the last few years I've been using a dot.shx that I do not like quite as much.
Check out this link: https://forums.autodesk.com/t5/autocad-forum/dash-shx-fonts/td-p/5795438
There's a link inside that will allow you to download it.?ÿ Then you have to figure out where your software stores the fonts and move it there after you download it.?ÿ I've started keeping a back up folder of fonts and other files that get missed when I upgrade or install new versions of AutoCAD or Carlson.
@stephen-ward?ÿSo close! I remember now that I found that one a while back. I don??t quite like the look of it as the dashes are too long in my opinion. That??s why I changed to the Dot font I found.?ÿ
I attached pic with the top text being the shx file from the link you posted above.?ÿ
the bottom one is the dot.shx I??ve been using.?ÿ
I came across a map the other day and saw the elusive dash font (see first pic I posted of cliffside park lot 54). The only time I??ve seen it has been on maps of some long gone old timers around these parts. It may have been a font that was included for a few releases circa Autocad R14. I have vague memories of using it in the late 90s.?ÿ
A few years back I recall another auto desk forum that had like 70-100 shx font files. But not the dash I was looking for.?ÿ
@ryancj31 -?ÿPicky, Picky, Picky.......you'd think we're a bunch of surveyors or something. ?????ÿ Curtesy of procrastination, my Google-fu, and dogged determination to find something I don't even need.
That will take you to a post in a forum on CADTutor where there is a Dropbox link for a zip file with 762 fonts.?ÿ It has the dashfont file you seek and my computer doesn't appear to have herpes yet.
Back in the early 90s I created a Shadow SHP which I compiled to SHX.?ÿ Wish I still had it.?ÿ With job changes, dead computers, etc. it got lost.?ÿ I used a plastic template we had in the office.?ÿ It had curves, not short segments, looked really good.?ÿ You write it in a text editor, then compile and test.?ÿ It usually took a few modifications to get a letter to look correct.
You can use Fontforge to create your own, or edit others.
@stephen-ward NAILED IT! My life is now almost complete. Thank you much. I swore I've looked through all of these fonts before. Maybe I was looking for something else at the time.
Anyways, the name of the shx is "DASHFONT.SHX" included in the zip file from https://www.cadtutor.net/forum/topic/13701-762-shx-autocad-fonts/.
@antcrook I have briefly looked into font creation before as the ultimate dashed font I seek has a built in dashed underline as our state platting manual states "The names of adjoining streets, state or county highways, subdivisions drawn in their proper
location, underscored by dotted or dashed lines. -Adjoining unplatted lands must be so labeled, and underscored by dotted or dashed lines"
The tutorial I read through seemed a bit to daunting for me to take on at the time. But maybe this coming winter.?ÿ