8">This kind of drone stuff is going cause issues!
The link might be broken and I am posting this from 36,000 feet, can't see to edit on my phone. Anyway the article is about pilot siteings of drones and or near misses, long term this probably adds some teeth to the commercial qualification to operate one, short term I can see it causing a delay by the FAA as they seek better ways to regulate the use of drones, it certainly adds weight to the argument that not just anybody with a Cracker Jack license should be operating a drone.
The link doesn't work. It would be nice to see the article. I can see this happening more often.
Wasn't their a problem with drones interfering with firefighters in California not too long ago? If I remember right, someone was flying a drone videoing a forest fire. Unfortunately, they were flying in the same airspace that fire fighting planes and helicopters were using, which had to be suspended until the drone operator was dealt with. I can see where that's certainly a problem...