My Buddy's Grandpa just had surgery on his kidney cancer.
They got it all and he's good and recovering.
I know "Papa Phil" well. I've had many beers with him and find him to be a good measure of a man. Many of you know of my plight with my own Mother. That damm "C" word just sends chills on me these days.
My Bud is clueless about medical things. I, however, am not having grown up around it. When I got the first message about Papa Phil I started researching - just like in my Mom's case. I figured he had RCC (Renal Cell Carcenoma). I was spot on.
I just wanted to pass on some good news.
Papa Phil should be fine in a few days.
Mom survived her 2 simultaneous cancers and later complications recently and is fine - so she says. I have not heard from her in a few weeks - no news is good news to me.
Anyway... it's all VERY good news to me.
Definitely good news!!! Thanks for sharing!! :clap: :good: :hi5:
Thanks Eric.
That is good news. God Bless you and yours.
Nice to hear some good news Big E. Our family has had our dealings with the big C as well as I'm sure many others on this board have. Keep that positive karma flowing!