Lost me at "No alcoholic beverages allowed."
YEAH!!! ???
AWESOME!!! :clap: :good: :hi5:
Wendell is a big time rat lover too. Don't let his gruff exterior fool you!! 😉
My friends run those shows and expos. I helped them out in 2007 at the Pet Expo in Orange County. Came home with a mighty fine T-Shirt & lots of other rat goodies. There are lots of good folks in the rat world. I got a really good best friend out of the whole rat biz too!! 🙂
An Alternative to Rodents!
This: my Daughter in Curacao wearing those things that taste like chicken....
or this: me also in Curacao with a dolphin that also tastes like chicken (doesn't everything?)
Have a great week!!
PS: how does Elly get along with "the rat"? 🙂
YEAH!!! ???
Like the mouse city in the Green Mile????
An Alternative to Rodents!
Elly is scared of them. Elly is scared of everything except bacon.
Taco & The Rodents! - Pics
I am jealous!! I've always wanted to swim with the dolphins!!! 😀
I'd pet those lizards, too. So long as they don't crap on me, they are free to ride on my shoulder. 😛
Ellie avoids the rats. The rats chase HER off if she gets too close!! She learned 4 years ago what happens when she gets too close. Now she could care less. Or she has flashbacks. Either way, it works. Seems that all of my animals since I've had rats avoid the rats. If they are babies, Taco lets them ride on top of her, but once they get bigger and climb on her head, etc...forget it. The rats get flinged off. :-/
She did share her hotel bed with them though! See below:
YEAH!!! ???
> Like the mouse city in the Green Mile????
The movie?? I never saw that movie. Guess I better watch it now??? :clap: