Why just the beta version? I sent 2 sets of (2+ hr) data to both beta and current versions last week (same station) and got ~ 0.7 to 2.1 cm difference between the two observations in the beta solution both horiz and vert, while getting 2-5 mm difference between the two in the standard solutions.
Maybe submit to AUSPOS too?
PPP, not differential:
I have no problem getting a coordinate on the point, I would normally just post process it in Infinity. I'm trying to follow NSPS's guide lines which require an OPUS shared solution. Kind of a mute point since the beta doesn't appear to allow for shared solutions.
OPUS BETA-S 5.0.0 is apparently back up and running error free:
"2024-08-13: Bugs affecting the user selection of CORSs and the downloading of the appropriate multi-GNSS ephemerides have now been resolved."
*I have not experimented/tested since this update got posted yesterday
Thanks for the heads up. I'll set a receiver up behind the office and give it a try in the next couple of days.