I know we've discussed different manufacturers' ability to provide an "any mix fix" ad infinitum, but I was wondering if anyone has thought of it in the following terms??ÿ Using the free online Trimble Planning software I turned off all PRNs except Galileo and GPS block IIF.?ÿ Supposedly the signals are all the same format, but they don't share the same ground control segment - obviously - so they have stand-alone clock error.
If you look at my snip below, though, there are a pile of L5 & E5 SVs already flying.?ÿ Is this a slow march to better performance as we already have been seeing, or will one day the "switch get flipped" and GNSS just works everywhere in the woods??ÿ From 10am to 6pm I would have an average of roughly 9 SVs.?ÿ This doesn't even count the occaisonal BeiDou modern SV or Block IIR-M that may be included.
If L5 and E5 are so good at penetrating, why doesn't the RTK solve the integer ambigutiy in the open, then hold the initialized solution on these signals while we go into the woods??ÿ Maybe it already does try to do that??ÿ It seems as if in the past some of the reasoning has been that there aren't enough in one constellation, but what does that matter??ÿ There's enough in the mix after initialization.
L5 is currently is in pre-operational status.?ÿ The Air Force won't go operational with L5 until the completion of the Next Generational Operational Control System (OCX), which is at best a year away, but probably closer to 2or 3 years out.
but the signal is being broadcast, so wouldn't it be used in the RTK solution?
Somewhere on the AF site is a disclaimer that states that the L5 signal should be used with caution (paraphrasing). Maybe they're not satified with the initial results .. ??
GS has a number of good posts explaining .. well just basically everything you should be taking into account.