This HP 35s scientific calculator and the case are LIKE NEW. I've used it maybe 10 times for 30 seconds at a time. It has been sitting in a drawer for the vast majority of its life span. I do not have the original box or packaging.
I'm only going to let it run until this coming Friday. If the buyer happens to be within driving distance of Cleveland or Buffalo next week, perhaps we could arrange for you to pick it up in person over a beer or dinner or something. ???? ?????ÿ
P.S. Is it just me, or does the calculator seem happy to see me after I opened it up? ????ÿ
I'll go $75
"calculator... heh heh. heh. heh heh"
(thought out loud in a Beavis/Butthead voice)
@wendell Do you have the manual for this calculator, or will it have to be downloaded from the internet?
@kevin-hines No, I do not have the manual or the box or any of the other packaging. Only the calculator, the case, and whatever power is left in the battery.
Alright @kevin-hines, it looks like you are the winner! If you can provide your shipping address via a PM to me and send payment via by the end of tomorrow, I'll see if I can get this shipped before I ship out myself. 🙂