I'd like to buy a couple of older receivers with antennas, interested to know if anyone has some laying around that they'd like to clear out. Prefer to get an SSI with compact L1/L2 + GP antenna but open to anything.
Please let me know, thanks!
hey hardline,
I have 2 SSE's, 2 compact L1/L2 antennas, 1 hard case, 2 back packs, battery charger and a dozen or so batteries, cables, manuals, etc. The SSE's have most everything turned on including on board memory storage & RTK. Were working when I last used them several years ago.
$650 for the entire lot, includes shipping..
That sounds reasonable, can you give me a call can we set up a phone call to discuss it on Monday morning? I'm in Ohio but would love an excuse to visit Florida.
> That sounds reasonable, can you give me a call can we set up a phone call to discuss it on Monday morning? I'm in Ohio but would love an excuse to visit Florida.
I note that the offer includes shipping; not sure you can save anything by driving to FL. If I were in the market, I'd jump at it.
Ah, yes I overlooked that when I was posting on my phone last night. Thanks.
Jim, so there are no issues with using these today? Been a few years since I used one and wasn't sure if that billion second issue may have effected them as well.
Hi Ben,
I've sent you a couple emails and would be interested to talk with you. Please email me or call so we can discuss this more.