I need to sell my Topcon Legacy E GGD RTK system (includes 35W base radio and PDL rover radio, TDS Ranger 200T with TDS Survey Pro - GPS). If anyone is interested the email in my profile is good. Contact me for spec's, serial numbers, etc. Thanks.
you have mail.
Our PDL can't be narrow banded and can't be used after the end of December this year.
We are purchasing a new radio.
I pretty much figured that will be the case with my base radio, given it's 10 years old, which is why I'm pricing the system low enough that even if a new radio is needed or someone needs some good units for OPUS it should be a good buy. My wife will put the system on E-Bay in the next week or two and see what happens unless an acceptable offer comes before then.
if you have internal radios, those work great for most things, anyway.
I've used my 35 watt radio twice in 3 years but they are getting me a new one anyway. I guess the theory is our emergency response work requires we have the capability in case we need it. I am not a big fan of going long distances with RTK; it is asking for trouble.
Update on this system - The base radio is not narrow band compliant therefore I'm lowering the price to $3,000.00 for the system (minus base radio) or $3,800.00 if you want the Ranger too. The system works great - I just need to get them sold as soon as possible. Receivers are L1/L2 upgradeable to full-time Glonass otherwise gets Glonass for 24 hours every other Tuesday. Email if you want a picture. Thanks.