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Trimble R8 TSC3

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I'm transitioning over to Trimble from Leica and cannot seem to find ways of doing the following:

1)Offsets when calcing a bearing bearing or bearing dist. If I have 4 point and I want to determine the intersection point of the two bearings but offset either left or right by x amount I should be able to without having to calc out dummy points but I cannot seem to find it

2) Determine a point in the field when staking out a line at a particular offset. Currently right now I have to switch between lines and keep doing it until I find the point where both lines are at the desired offset.

3) Create a line that contains more than two points? Is this something that the alignment program normal handles? I'm not sure

4)The company I'm working for uses an attribute library to define features (which makes sense) but for some of these features they have the a line drawn between points which works great as long as you're not picking up multiple areas with the same point code. They do include a tag for beg and end but the control doesn't recognize this and draws lines all across my screen.

So is their a way to tell the controller to not draw lines across the screen or create an open line that will auto add any points I measure until I close it?

5) I created an alignment in the map screen and it auto added chainages to the points, can I turn off the chainages being displayed on my map screen?

6) How do I turn on a clock display on the controller?

7) What is the difference between measured points and staked out points that are measured? I've been told by the qc guys that there is a difference but they don't trust them. Possibly something that staked out points don't have vectors attached?

Posted : March 2, 2015 12:31 pm
Posts: 2382

I would suggest that you start here:

Go to Trimble Access Help Files and Release Notes and download General Survey Help.

Posted : March 3, 2015 6:53 am