Hi everyone, the purpose of this message is to reach out to the engineering personnel for a quick survey on predictive maintenance model. This survey is solely for academic use, final year project. I hope that individual with engineering knowledge would kindly participate in this survey, it does mean a lot to me. Your corporation is well appreciated. Thank you very much.
You have the wrong population for your purpose on this site. Very few, if any, work or have worked in manufacturing maintenance. Nearly all are land surveyors.
One question asked about Malasia. We have very few on the forum who are or have been in Malasia.
Reminds me of a questionnaire we received back in the 70s. One of the questions on the survey was, "Is data entry terminal?"
The answer that emerged from our group was. "No, not if caught in time."
Similar answers were concocted for the other questions, we all had another beer, and someone mailed the answers on his way home.
It reminds me of a comment from a woman in our writers group who is a middle-aged student. She lamented that clear writing nowadays is frowned on in academic circles.?ÿ You need to use all the buzzwords and obfuscate your sentences with indirection so that it looks more impressive.
Examples from this questionnaire:
The survey aim is to identify the list of criteria relevant to predictive maintenance for light industry. This for the purpose of developing the predictive maintenance model.
This survey aims to identify criteria relevant to predicting maintenance in light industry.
Will technical experience in the form of input data bring positive impact to increase maintenance efficiency?
Will using data on past maintenance increase future maintenance efficiency?
By using technical experience into estimating next maintenance, will maintenance down time decrease?
Will planning maintenance based on history decrease down time?