First clue:
His name is now associated with a type of bullet (however he did not die by the bullet).
Second clue:
This place is located on the East Coast.
History of the photo: I took it while in college and began to explore night time photography. Apparently I did not leave it in the stop bath long enough and the pic displayed here was taken with my cell phone. Not really a clue to the answer but an explanation as to the media presented.
Do you know who died here?
Third clue
His legacy was documented on the History channel.
Third clue
I have an idea but it's probably wrong. I know very little about pipe-shaped high-speed lead-projectile ejection devices but the only reference I can find with a person's name attached to a bullet who might've been profiled on the History Channel is Eliphalet Remington.
Third clue
Think werewolves(sp) when you think bullets...
Fourth clue
Think beer......easy guys....I know that some of you are probably not thinking beer, but perhaps enjoying one.
Fourth clue
Fourth clue
It must be Mr. .22 Silver
Kris is on it
see below
Ding Ding Ding...Kris got it...
After taking a look at the question he did get the answer. The place is in Virginia Beach where I grew up, The Cavalier Hotel. My dad's first honeymoon was there. My brothers first marriage was there. I spent several Christmas parties there. Thought it would make a great night time b&w photo.
The pic I posted was for my brother as a wedding gift.
Adolph Coors was reported to have committed suicide by jumping out of the top floor. That's why the clue about werewolves (silver bullet) were posted.
I guess I should have asked what place is this that a well know person died...oh well.
Kris...good job!