When you get a wife, well, you also get inlaws. When your wife got you, she also got inlaws. Well, not all inlaws are as perfect and attractive as you are (wink!). Some of them are downright stinking.
The better you and her handle your/her inlaws, well, the better the surveying business will be, as inlaws can be emotionally taxing. And, we all need all we can get up emotionally, to do good surveying!
So, here is a site, with some great inlaw stuff, that is... well, you just cannot make this stuff up!!
This is the main web site:
This is where you learn what some of the abreviations mean:
A funny one is CBF. (Cat butt face) Made, "with pursed lips, and a disappointing look"
This is the stuff on FAKE appolagies that is of intrest to me. ie, I'm sorry if you did not "get it". Apologies, that are thinly veiled insults.
Here is a link to bad apologies:
In reference to the business side of surveying, I think there is some cross-over from this inlaw stuff, and some clients!!
I hope some of you enjoy or benefit from this stuff.