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Rookie mistake

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Posts: 1948
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Walked into the office with mud on my its everywhere...things have beed frozen so long, I just forgot...wheres the vacuum?

Posted : March 16, 2011 6:35 am
Posts: 2246

I made one of those yesterday. I used a spare rod and a thumb release tripod for my backsight and left it set up while I worked. Both the robot and the backsight were along a driveway that I was locating. I worked my way down the near edge of the driveway and back up the far edge. As I got closer to the robot, I realized that it was tracking something other than me.

I had worked down the driveway with my back to the instrument except when taking shots. Apparently I momentarily lost lock as I passed a light standard and I just happened to be in line with the backsight point but 50' further away. The robot locked to the backsight prism instead of me and proceeded to take the next 30 shots to the backsight point. 😀 Nothing like re-taking 30 shots to reinforce good habits.

Posted : March 16, 2011 7:12 am