Duly noted. I'm actively asking the questions. Nothing passive about it.
I'm working on saying less, and meaning more.?ÿ
@jitterboogie I'm going to suggest that you may wish to apply a little more filtering to your postings here. Remember that this is a public, wide-open forum. I'm recalling how a few days ago in the "Not Sure" thread that you were "sniffing around" - which I believe was in reference to nepotism in the workplace, but could have been interpreted by someone as searching for another job. And then, 1 day later, you were fired. Could have been a coincidence, could be somebody connected the jitterboogie handle to a real person, and exercised their power to get rid of you. As relieved as you were to have that decision made, you are now searching for a more satisfying position. Using terminology such as "the HLR wankers" could work against you. Just something to think about. Good luck.
@jitterboogie There is a lot of value in this post. I may be wrong but it seems that a large number of your posts on this site are critical of your current, past, or potential employers. I have said to myself more than once after reading a post of yours that I would not hire you. Then I read a post of yours with technical content and I think maybe I would. The point is you may be technically proficient and make a great addition to any surveying business. But your public negative comments about how your employers run their business should be reserved for private conversations with your employer or at least a private conversation with a mentor. Running a business is a whole other skill set from surveying.?ÿ
I think you are doing the right thing in doing your homework before taking a leap of faith. Just be careful what you post here about your job search. There are plenty of people watching and reading that rarely post. There are others here that are well established in their communities, financially secure, and can post whatever daily opinion they may have with zero impact to their employment or business. You may not be one of those people.?ÿ
Duly noted and appreciated.
I'm learning how to say less, learn more, and be engaged.
A one month engagement with a plat mill whom is skirting with the legal line of survey isn't an employer, it was a misrepresentation that pulled me from a legitimate and comfortable career, albeit low paying.
Lesson learned, and still being learned.
And I fully understand that the non poster skimmers are here, I don't live in fear of my life or discussion. If it's the truth, I've got nothing to be afraid of, but if I'm slandering or libeling someone, step up and sue away.
I came into the career path because I discovered how amazing the potential of the path is, not just financially, but intellectually.
There's no shame in my comments, and I'll temper it to remain a part of the daily discussion.
I'm here to learn, and learn Ive been doing.
Time to listen more and type less.
Thank you and the rest, the critical comments are equally valuable to me because I'm an adult and know I don't exist in a vacuum.
Carry on!
At times you remind me of Eric White who used to contribute here.?ÿ He was also known as Big E.?ÿ He was a brilliant fellow but told us of too many times where he was a square peg trying to fit a round hole.?ÿ He kept looking for that square hole but never quite found it.?ÿ Eventually, he deserted the working world to live simply at a base level, which tended to provide him more comfort on a daily basis.?ÿ Cancer took him from us.
I'm sorry.?ÿ That's a $#itty deal...
I always feel like the square peg fits the round hole if only the diameter is .01 larger than the hypotenuse.
There's a lot I'd have to accomplish to be included in his company, and I appreciate that you'd even slightly compare me to a person of that caliber.
I'm no genius, if I was I'd be way ahead of where I've been.
Carry on!