Not being licensed in a state in which he opens a business to provide professional land surveying. He files paper work with the Security of State, has a bank account with his company name and advertises his services. He solicits professional land surveying services to property owners, title companies, builders, realtors & architects and is very busy.
He sets corners & files plats on a regular basis.
He does this how you ask.
He sends his field data via email to a guy in his employ
His employee resides four states away.
The employee approves the field data and drawings.
The employee places his electronic seal in the dwg file
I Believe That Would Be OK If...
... the licensed employee was on the state business license. Not sure if he has to be present in the office but the employee has to be in responsible charge of the field crew. If you can be in charge of your employer, I guess that works.
It may be legal, I doubt if it is a good idea.
Paul in PA
That sounds somewhat like the horror story I reported on several months ago, where the registrant basically was renting his seal. Until he got caught, the hammer fell, and the whole can of worms spilled out.
I don't think it is a good idea either.
It is my understanding that the state board has been involved to some degree in the situation that is mentioned above.
The board ultimately issued a cease and desist, stating that the owner of the company can not use the electronic seal of the offsite PLS. And the PLS was to keep his seal under his control.
Also, it's my understanding that this firm has open doors using the same business model in Arizona, California, Colorado, Oregon, Texas and Utah