Parents of grandson are working. Kindergarten is remote until their waiver takes effect on 9/28. Then it is outside in groups of 12.
Today we were supposed to take a hike including jumping up and down on rocks but the air is full of smoke, we are in the hazardous range.
so my job was to make an interesting hike in the house. Since I'm the Grandpa breaking all the rules is the order of the day. Jumping on the furniture, running up and down stairs, rolling across the beds, etc etc.
No gold star for you, grandpa!
Dave - it sounds like you have a VERY lucky grandson.
Much simpler to do that kind of homework than help the little tyke with something like: Derive a proof using binary numbers to demonstrate that 8 + 8 is usually 16, but not in all cases.?ÿ Then get out your mat and take a short nap.
Ummm....where was Grandma during this momentary lapse of reason??ÿ ?????ÿ
1. Grandma has mellowed.
2. She doesn't care what we do as long as she doesn't have to pull Mom duty.
Would that be when 1000=8 and 1000=8 make 10001000 = 136?
She doesn't care what we do as long as she doesn't have to pull Mom duty.
Well, in that case please disregard my earlier post. Please continue grandpa.