Lord I was hating life this morning. Oh man, I think I may be getting to old for that type of behavio(u)r.
Anyone else have a similar experience last night?
Not me, but neither my sons nor my adoptive daughter (in law) have awakened, so I assume their party was a success.
yeah we had a little soire (swawray) (sp?) last night. I have no clue when I finally went to bed. Probably around sunrise I'm guessing.
Might explain why I didn't get up until after 1600 this afternoon.
I just turned 50 about a month ago and I'm feeling like I'm too old for this stuff.
However, I tried to find my ninja hood in case some youngns show up. No joy on the hood and no visitors yet.
I was in bed by 9:30. Good clean living and lots of green vegetables.
Having a 2 year old and a preggo wife does not bode well for partying.
You're right. We didn't party much in our early 20's due to the same reason. Now I have a 13 and 9 year old with a vasectomy to boot to never have to worry about the preggers again.
I probably lived cleaner in my 20's than my 30's to date. I missed out on a helluva lot of partying I guess. I just don't recover as fast.
you did good being responsible early in life. i barely remember my early to mid twenties. funny how life has a way of finding a rhythm for you.
Ok Snoop, I know that isn't you! What's up?? Isn't that Kents avatar?? 😛
you too can be a certain Texas RPLS...
What, no grandkids?
> Now I have a 13 and 9 year old with a vasectomy to boot to never have to worry about the preggers again.
Okay, so you've decided just to skip having grandkids or are you wanting some medical student's genes in the family instead? I know East Texas is different, but that's just plain weird.
What, no grandkids?
No, looking forward to grandkids, I just don't want any more of my offspring. I want to be able to give them back.
As far as the genes go, I'm actually a transplant to the area and so is my wife, so a dilution of the gene pool with my offspring is probably not going to happen due to superior genetic material from across Texas, as opposed to the status quo of "keeping it all in the family" that you would normally see from my home county.
Thanks for your concern.
I think Snoop was dressing up as something scary for Halloween. 😉
What, no grandkids?
I don't think Kris got the joke about alternate interpretations of his sentence construction.
I'm pretty sure I got it. But thanks for caring.
What, no grandkids?
> I don't think Kris got the joke about alternate interpretations of his sentence construction.
Yes, and I didn't see any point in explaining it to him either. :>