"These maps determine the premiums on government-sponsored home insurance policies. Due to budget cuts, more than three-quarters of the maps have not been updated in at least five years"
Do they just publish these stories to talk-up an investment strategy
"in at least five years"
Heck, most of ours are far older than that.?ÿ Even the newest ones are around 10 years since final approval.?ÿ We were told it is roughly a ten year process to update.?ÿ One of the new ones is 2010 but does not include the massive 2007 flood as part of its basis as the update entered final processing prior to that flood.
If David Burt's philosophy is correct this may be a great investment opportunity to "get in" on the ground floor. ?????ÿ
LOL 5 years...
We will be lucky if the new maps are completed and approved within 10 years of the "new" studies and other work done to update the maps.
About the time King County figures it out, NAVD 1988 will be old news.
thats funny, I'm still using firms dated 1995