Bryan: Hey, Pete. Is Don still in Smallville Hospital?
Pete: Yes, he is. In Room 207.
Bryan: Is that on the second floor?
Pete: Well, you should know. You used to work there.
Bryan: That's right, but, since I left they have added on a major addition and I've heard all sorts of things were moved and rearranged.
Pete: Oh, well, in that case, yes, it's on the second floor. That's why the first number is a 2.
Bryan: (head slap)
Captain Obvious missed that part.
Some of the funniest ones I have ever heard have been in the gun store. The BS gets real deep real fast in there.
Sadly, it isn't always that simple. I've walked through a hospital that was built as two or three buildings on a hillside and later connected into one complex. The floor numbering will drive you crazy.
The other day as I was entering the fitnass center the guy manning the counter commented to the person who cmae in just ahead of me something where Cinco de Mayo(sp?) was mentioned to which she asked "when is that anyway?" and of course realized what she said as the words left her mouth and vanished rather quickly.