I while back I posted about the sorry state of the Duracell AA batteries.
Yswami suggested I try the Eneloop rechargable AAs.
I gave them a shot and I'm completely impressed. They last longer than the Duracell, they can be charged something like 2000 times and they hold a charge as well as any regular cell. These have paid for themselves a couple of times over already. I bought 2 sets from costco so I always enough hot cells. The only slight, and I mean slight difference is that the power drops off quicker at the end of the charge. Meaning that if you get a low battery light with a regular cell you can usually get a few more things done before that DC goes dead. With the eneloops, the DC goes out pretty quick, maybe 5-10 shots. Not a real problem. I just reload with the charged ones in my pack.
If you're going broke with regular cells, give these a shot.
I use nothing but Eneloops. I have some from 2008 that are still going strong.
Every other brand I have tried eventually failed. Not one Eneloop has.
I use Imedion NiMH batteries, same concept as Eneloops, just another option out there.