I fixed a nice cup of coffee this morning. Took a drink, and it was warm to cool.
I took it out on the porch, and the cats MEOWEEEED long and hard at me. I thought to myself, it has fresh cream, and a bit of honey in it. Who am I to deprive them of it? So, I poured it in their bowl.
I really felt like I had done my good deed for the day.
i don't like cats
i don't like coffee
i can only imagine how much i would not like a cat jacked up on coffee
> ...So, I poured it in their bowl.
What, you didn't let them drink it from your cup? I bet you let your dog lick your plate, likely even eat off your fork.
Quick, somebody call the ACLU for the poor cats. American Cats Liberty Union 😛
Cats drowned in coffee make the best breakfast sausage =)
What I did not realize, until afterwords, is that I can make my cats into Coffee Cats!