Headed home for lunch, just got to the exit from the freeway, took the foot off the gas, hit the right hand signal, and BAM!! bolt on the bottom of the lift chain on the snowplow snapped and dropped the blade on the highway at 60 mph! 'Bout crapped my britches! Made it home (wonder if I can charge the city for plowing one lane for them?)alright, and it is now repaired, but WOW that sure woke me up!:-S
I'll be inspecting things a little better from now on!
It's those BAM'S that triggers the pucker factor, sometimes it takes a bit of shaking to get it to go away. Glad you are OK and it did not hook something and spin you or get under your front axle.
This would be the same snowplow you mentioned a couple days ago, I assume. Perhaps you have been given a sign from the Big Surveyor in the Sky.
Holy Cow
Yup, same one! Getting new chain, bolts, pins etc. If I do make the trip, everything is getting double strapped etc.
Holy Cow
I dropped a drive shaft driving M151A1 Army Jeep once. Holy moly. What a racket that made. It started to roll down the street in front of me and I had to go fetch it...