Boudreaux was out of work and found an ad in the paper that said, "Electrical Engineer needed". So, he went to the power company and hand delivered his resume. He was told to come back the next day to take a 10 question test. Reviewing the resume, Mr. Don (boss) was astounded that Boudreaux was applying with no education. The next day only two people showed up to take the test the second was Mr. Fred who was an electrical engineer. Boudreaux was the other.
They each took the test and returned to Mr. Don's office to hand in their test papers. Mr. Don asked both of them to wait outside until he was finished overlooking the two exams. After about 10 minutes Don called them back in and this is how it went: Don "Thanks to the both of you for applying for the position but, we have made our decision and that decision is to hire Fred. "
Boudreaux "What did Fred score on dat test?" Don "Both of you scored 9 out of 10 questions. You both only missed one question." Boudreaux "Meh why you gonna hire him den? "
Don "Because on question #7, Fred answered, "I don't know" and you answered "Me neither."