A bit heavy, but cool!
I was going to bid on it, but then I saw that it doesn't come with a belt scabbard.
Um........after working in and around UXO that sure looks like an old grandpa made this from one of these.....yikes
The Three bands gave it away for me, unetched obturator bands. Once fired they show the marks from the rifling of the barrel.
That could actually be a live round... hopefully not.
Reminds me of the day I was at an auction that was property of a relative of one of my co-workers at the ammo plant.?ÿ I was digging through boxes attempting to see if there was anything interesting available.?ÿ In the far corner of a box I saw what I knew to be a bomblet.?ÿ Slightly bigger than a baseball with a swirl pattern cast in the exterior.?ÿ I immediately went searching for my co-worker while trying to keep one eye on the box.?ÿ She carefully reached in and removed the bomblet to carry to a safe storage spot.
Learned the good news later.?ÿ The relative had worked for a time with the local company which produced the "halves", which were inert.?ÿ He had somehow managed to make off with two "halves" and then put them together to form the hemispherical item I had found.
Melted explosives were poured into the bomblets at the ammo plant, the fuze and detonator were then installed before carefully sealing the two halves together.?ÿ Activation could only occur after spinning the bomblet.?ÿ This would occur, thanks to the swirls on the outside, as the bomblet was spilled out of a canister under a military plane somewhere over "Nam".?ÿ The spinning action would arm the bomblet.
Yeehaw. None of the EOD techs ever like not wanted to work around the 'improved munitions'. Too dangerous, and yeah, once armed just wait to run that fuse train and do their job. Crazy business to be in.
Again, learned way more than I needed to or possibly should have, but what the hell,they were teaching, so I learned.
It's easy to say IUD, when you meant IED.
Just be careful.?ÿ
Dangerous mitsakes.
Spoken with the wisdom of a man of experience. ??? ???? ?????ÿ
That would device would work for either, though it would present practical problems for some applications...
I actually have no experience. My wife's brother was born with a "hat" on his head.
We call him "persistent".