Um, no comprende, Mr Cow!
Brad Ott, post: 390658, member: 197 wrote: Keep it up.
Get it? 😉
You asked for a source of flagging. They get all my business on a variety of supplies.
You definitely stay "busy", Nate. :innocent:
Congrats!! How many will this make?? Need an updated family pic soon!! :grinning:
Wide angle lens required or else one of those panoramic cameras.
Were starting to loose em as fast as we make em.... Oldest is married, and flew de coop. I like my son in law. They are doing well. Big Help no longer works with me... He got sucked up by a local farmer, who is elderly, and really needed a farm hand... driving tractors, fixing fences, checking cows, going to sale barn. He wants to be a farmer.
Next one is girl. She's smart, and lazy. Next one is girl. She LOVES hunting and trapping. She is the best shot with a .22. I take her out surveying too. She wants to "get another deer".
But, the NEXT one, he's learning the Javad LS. I sent him off staking and storing yesterday. He has what it takes to be a surveyor. 1/2 crazy, and 1/2 super intelligent. And, nogood at math. (counting money).
Surveying is not for everybody. But he has what it takes!
Off to the woods. It's hard to get them all in one pile these days.
Nate The Surveyor, post: 390753, member: 291 wrote: I like my son in law.
This is encouraging.
Thanks for the nice summary update.
That was only five. Tell us about the younger half of the crowd.
Well Nate since you love babies, music, and especially Rachel, sing this to her in the delivery room! 🙂
Keep us informed!
Thanks, Fl GA PLS.
Mr Cow, it gets complicated.
I took Levi To work today. He's 5. Now, Levi is FULL of energy. He'd be a dad's dream, in the 1790's. But, a DISASTER in today's schoolroom, with double doses of Ritalin. He's fast, and smart.
Well, he talked me into "Paying him with a new fishin pole" about a week or 10 days ago. I explained to him, there is a delay on payment. So, have to wait til I get paid, then you get paid. Well, on the way to work this morning, he said "Dad, you already owe me a fishin pole, for that day we already worked, But, for today, I want paid in money, because sometimes I run out". (In a matter of fact, tone of voice)
This kid, RUNS ahead of me, up and down hills, and all. He carries rebar, and does not have to be told twice... except occasionally, if he gets overly distracted. Today, I set all my stuff down, and went back down the hill, to get one more measurement. He, comes traipsing down the hill, (we are talking some SERIOUS steep river bluffs, with vertical relief of some 75 or 100 feet. In 400 feet. Here he comes, with ALL the rebar, hammer, and a pipe. Basically, all the stuff. He's a joy to work with. But, he's smart.
The last time out, I said I gotta get one more fence shot. He replied "Get that one more shot, and BAM! we are good!".
It's unreal, to have a 5 yr old, who in so many ways, is already a man, mine equal, on the job.
FL GA I played that for Rachel. She cried. The baby 18 mos sang along. Yes, God has been good to us.