That made me think of what happened in a client's home last week. He invited me in to go over the final plat and pay my invoice. His house dog wanted to love me up a bit too much so the client told him to go lay on his bed. He did, so we went about our business. A minute or two later it sounded as though the dog was crying. It was the same sad little whimper over and over. I thought it was sort of cute in a pitiful sort of way. The client went over to the dog as I watched and removed a squeaky toy from the dog's mouth. Then he told me that was the first time his dog had ever chewed on that toy. Jealous, I suppose.
Marked like a Border Collie.
Saw two that looked much like that staring back at me as I slowed to turn a sharp corner on a very rural road a couple of days ago. Probably siblings. Probably placed there by someone who no longer needed them back at their house in town. More than a half mile in any direction to a house.
We don't have pets anymore but the kids have a dachshund at their place. Whenever I go over there he goes into such spasms of joy you'd think I was the second coming.
Last dog I saw while out surveying was a Squattinwater Dog. It was so happy to see me it peed all over the highway as I attempted to get it to get back off the road to a safe location.