Out of my area but maybe of interest to my sublatitudinal colleagues ?
They are our lands. We should have access to fish, hunt, etc. As long as we obey the rules.
That is directly in conflict to the intent of the congressional acts that created the forest reserves and the Forest Service.
Congressional act
They were not intended to be preserved like a wilderness, that's what wilderness are for. Get them designated wilderness areas if you want, that has to go through congress, which at least gives someone a vote as to how they want their resources managed.
You can as long as you are not crippled, overweight, or otherwise disabled.
That eliminates what ...half of Americans.
This roadless designation is directly in conflict to the intent of the congressional acts that created the forest reserves and the Forest Service.
Congressional act
They were not intended to be preserved like a wilderness, that's what wilderness are for. I say get them designated wilderness areas if you want, that has to go through congress if you can.
They have roadless areas, sensitive areas, wild lands, wilderness,and national monuments.
Waiting for the next designation....
Yeah let's destroy everything, what the heck!
You want to hunt? Don't you have two feet?
No one wants to destroy everything, that's absurd. We just want to destroy everything where the road itself is going. Everything else around it, oh, something like 99.99999999% can remain pristine.
That Is Contrary To ADA
Around here there is talk of making the Appalachian Trail wheelchair accessible.
Paul in PA
I Take It That Fire Lanes And Roads Are Out?
"We don't need no roads, let the f*****g woods burn.
Paul in PA
no attack intended, but this is personally directed to you, it's a long winded one. What you have just done is provide a prime example of what is wrong today. I post a link to an congressional act drafted by men that could dance mental circles around today's "leaders". Men that had the foresight to think ahead and recognize that without action, this great renewable resource will be destroyed. With reasonable management would provide for our country forever. It focuses on the management of a great national renewable resource (yes they recognized this even then). Management intended to provide CONTINIOUS timber production FOREVER, providing for our citizens (like a well managed garden) and you provide a knee jerk reaction "ya man, like let's just destroy everything, like totally man". You make it appear that there is no middle ground, it's either roadless or total destruction. I would expect more from someone that by all appearances spends much time in the woods and would have a more balanced perspective
I really did not intend to bring hunting into this. However you did.
My grandfather could not hike the pacific crest trail, or use his two feet because his knees were shot from busting broncs. But he deserved to be able to ride an ATV on an existing, simple 2 track logging road. I deserved to be able to hunt with him. People expressing views like you just did have locked it up for a specific type of people with specific physical abilities. It has resulted in my father doubting if we can even drive on forest roads for fear we did not read the crappy map well enough. Did we miss the sign. What bullshott! Everyone else needs to go to that handicap access, paved trail, with the fake wood poopers.
That's what they should have told my grandfather after he spent nearly half a lifetime working to pay their wages "you want to hunt? You have 2 feet".
"you want to fish?....well do ya?...well you have two feet don't ya? We have set aside a special area just for people like you.
>But he deserved to be able to ride an ATV on an existing, simple 2 track logging road. I deserved to be able to hunt with him.
Now that's what I call entitlement!;-)
I Take It That Fire Lanes And Roads Are Out?
Ya, then we can add another "complex tee shirt" to the collection.
Around here they are using this special designation to lock the timber up. It does not have a whole lot to do with roads. Most of the areas already have roads in them, but are designated as roadless.
I did a county wide map to send to DC for our county, I'll have to post it up when I get a chance. It really illustrates how little areas are left for management to provide continous timber production.
Dave I probably should not have called you out personally, thinking about it the next morning, but I still mean every word.
Dam straight I feel entitled. It's the law. The USFS is charged with managing the forest for multiple uses, travel is one of them. I paid for that road to be built, I want to travel on it AND I expect it to be maintained so it's not bumpy 😉 cause they receive tax money to do that.
This is my land as much as it is anyone elses. I can't harm other peoples rights, but driving on a road with an ATV is not harming anything. It does not take a biologist to figure that one out.
I asked my dad this weekend as we are driving out a 2 track road to go target shooting, " did you ever envision when you were younger that you would be worried about wether or not you could drive on an un gated road across public land?" He replied shaking his head, "no I never did" I asked him why he allowed it to get this bad, I can't say here what his answer was.
> Yeah let's destroy everything, what the heck!
> You want to hunt? Don't you have two feet?
Just a WEE BIT of an overreaction Dave? Yep!
Everything in moderation is tough, I know. But the correct way to do it.
I Take It That Fire Lanes And Roads Are Out?
Not to wake a sleeping dog, but I was hoping to take a look at the map you created.