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If you prefer to send a check, please make it payable to Five Point Web Solutions and send to:
200 N. Highbrook Way
Suite 106 #127
Star, Idaho 83669
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How are donations used?
Monies received from donations, advertising programs, and other sources go right back into the support, maintenance and ongoing management of
Can you be more specific?
The most important aspect of keeping up and running are its hard costs, so that is the first place funds are directed. Hard costs include: server costs, security expenses, software purchases and renewals, domain name registration and renewal, email delivery fees, legal expenses, and other miscellaneous expenses that are both critical and unavoidable.
After that, funds go toward the time it takes to manage the server, security, software installation and configuration, site moderation, member support, and marketing.
If, after all the hard costs are accounted for, there are little or no remaining funds, we donate our time to manage and maintain the website.
What happens if runs out of money?
If that happens, we have to decide if we want to weather the storm and fund it out of our own pockets — in hopes that it will somehow get back on its feet. This has actually happened several times in the past, with moments where we considered shutting it down completely.
Are there other ways to support
Advertising doesn’t bring in the revenue it once did, for various reasons. We do occasionally offer other ways to help financially — keep an eye on the forums and/or our blog for more information.
Additionally, if you are using an ad blocker, you can help us by simply disabling it while visiting