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RTN Mountpoint naming

I have connected to and used many different Real Time Networks across the country. Mostly Trimble, but I have also used Leica and Topcon networks. A typical Trimble pivot mountpoint is VRS_CMRx. However, I recently came across one system where VRS_CMRx is GPS and Galileo only, and to get all four constellations you need to use a mountpoint called RTX_CMRx. I thought this was an anomaly, maybe it was just transmitting the RTX corrections that are usually accessed via geosynchronous satellite. Actually, I had a recent project in very high latitudes (>60°) where I was too far north to get the corrections that way but was able to get them over cell (IP). But, after checking some other Trimble VRS systems I found it there as well. Curiously, the Trimble owned VRSNow does not use that designation for a mountpoint.

To me, RTX means their real time PPP system, so I am wondering exactly what this mount point is versus the more common VRS_CMRx.

Hey John, at some point (and maybe still today) Trimble was using "RTX" to mean a lot of different things.

In the context of Trimble Pivot Platform (TPP) and mountpoint names, it is the full constellation mountpoint. At one point, when the network managers want to add all constellations to the corrections they are delivering, they would purchase an add-on/whatever for TPP that had the phrase "RTX" in it, hence why many of them name the mountpoint with the "RTX". I don't know if that phrasing still is used in TPP sales/products, but separately there is/was a Pivot RTX app that was/is using the Trimble RTX satellite corrections to monitor CORS in the network.

Anyone with more intimate working knowledge, or who work for Trimble, feel free to correct me.

Makes sense, Jeff, thanks for that. Weird, though that the Trimble run VRSNow does not use that terminology.

Based on my old emails in coordination with the Kentucky network manager (at that time), it was the RTXNet Processor that Pivot users had to upgrade to for delivering full constellation corrections.