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State of the BeerLeg 2023

Hey everyone!  

I usually reserve this virtual "speech" for the June 30th anniversary date. But a lot has been going on in regard to SurveyorConnect and I'd like to bring you all up to speed.

Speaking of speed, the caching issue is STILL being worked on. Crazy, right? It seems the server move has really stumped the developer regarding the licensing. I'm not sure I fully understand the whole problem, but basically, it's not operational (or updateable) until the licensing problem is resolved. I've been a squeaky wheel though and hoping for some action very soon.

Ok, sorry for that detour. Back to the point of this post!

You may have noticed a lack of advertisers here in recent months. Our largest advertisers disappeared, thus left a massive hole in SurveyorConnect's funding. I have my own thoughts on why they've disappeared, but I won't elaborate much, other than to say that I think it has something to do with the Russia/Ukraine war. I don't want this going political so let's please just leave that right there.

We do currently have a couple of small businesses advertising with us, so I thank them greatly for their support. Please feel free to visit their websites and get to know them.

And I also don't want to forget about our dedicated BeerLeggers and Supporters. Your contributions are much appreciated, and they do help keep the lights on.

But I'm going to be perfectly candid with you: Donations and club subscriptions have traditionally made up about 10% to 15% of SC's revenue. Advertisers were covering all of the hard costs and part of my time spent here. Even with the advertisers in full swing, it still wasn't accounting for all of my time. It's a tough spot to be in, even when we have a bunch of advertisers, because my time isn't completely paid for (and far from it). It's far more lucrative for me to be working on paid projects via my web development company than it is to be working here at SC. But I love SC and I don't want to see it go away. That's the main reason it is still here to this day. It's certainly not the money, because it's not a profitable venture.

I've had a few offers to buy SC in the last few years, all of which were prior to The Great Advertisers Withdrawal of 2022. They certainly weren't enough to make them worth my while (not even remotely close), so you can only imagine what a buyer might think now, in a time when we have almost no advertising income.

Let me stop there for just a second to make a very important point: This is NOT a campaign to solicit donations, nor is it intended to be a whining session. I'm just trying to be transparent with you about SC's current state. Plus, I have a point, and I'm working on getting to that. This is all basically a preface to my point, at this point. 😉

One of the reasons I chose to move SC to a new server, was because I got a great deal on my software "stack" for my web development business. All of my clients are currently on this new system and more great improvements are on the way. I pulled the trigger on the deal because I knew it was robust enough to bring SC along for the ride, making it less of a financial burden on me. Ironically, the new caching system is still a thorn in my side, since it's not working yet -- but I know we'll get there. I don't have the time nor resources to put 24/7 effort into this, but it's mostly out of my wheelhouse (other than communication and being the squeaky wheel) right now.

Over the last few years, I've been watching other niche-specific forums die due to lack of funding, advertisers leaving, lack of interest, etc. I've always watched what others have done to see if I could learn from them. It seems that most of the ones that died, did so simply because they were a forum and nothing more. The ones that diversified seem to have mostly survived, and I feel like I'm even seeing a resurgence of popularity in forums, if done correctly. Facebook groups are still popular, but people are getting tired of Facebook in general -- I think this might be why some forums may be coming back, but only if they have features that appeal to everyone. To top it off, I think that the popularity and effectiveness of ad blockers in web browsers is becoming a real problem when it comes to selling advertising space.

So... my point (OMG, finally getting to my point) is that I think SC may need to pivot. I've had some ideas that I've been planning for years to monetize SC but without giving up the free nature of the forums. I've just not had as much time as I'd hoped to work on them prior to The Great Advertisers Withdrawal of 2022. It's that conundrum of working on SC versus website clients.

If I'm to keep SC going, it needs to pivot. Somewhere between all the recent changes, working on client websites that themselves are pivoting in their own markets, COVID, recent surges of new traffic, and my own thoughts about monetization options, I've been getting very serious about pivoting. SC needs to be more than "just" a forum. I know we've been through many migrations over the years, and those can be painful, but I'm looking at ways to keep our current forum system and simply integrate it into something more powerful. I've been testing several things lately and am zeroing in on an actual plan. I'm looking at this like my last chance to really make this thing GO and stay going in such a way that becomes financially feasible. Imagine that.

It's no small task, but I still hold lots of hope in SurveyorConnect. It's very dear to my heart and I'm not ready to let go. I could have taken one of those offers and walked away, but I still see so much potential. The hard part is finding the TIME to put into it, knowing that it's an unpaid risk. But I'm mentally revving up for that. Besides, I really do love building websites, especially when I can get creative, so this could turn out to be a lot of fun, too.

At the end of the day, my goal here is to be transparent with you as much as possible. This place wouldn't be what it is without you. Even without advertisers, I love how surveyors gather together and help one another solve problems every single day. And maybe goof off a little bit while we're at it. It's so damn cool. Just know that I don't want to lose this important aspect of SC, hence my desire to keep the forums intact and functioning normally.

So, I'll just leave that little bomb right here and let you all ponder it for a bit. My gears are still turning with ideas, but we're reaching a point where I get serious and really jump on this... or not.

Do you have any great ideas or feedback on any of this? I'd love to get your thoughts. 🙂