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Fast Accretion and Slow Avulsion...

It depends on the timing...


Dangit Dan

It depends

Doncha know

Attached files

Point report.pdf (166.5 KB) 

I knew that would get a response...

Keep your eyes on BOTH overhead projectors...


"Fast Accretion and Slow Avulsion..."

Not sure what you mean, Dan, title is gained by accretion, which must be slow, but lost by avultion (very fast).


Fast accretion...the river jumps up...the banks cave...(OVER NIGHT...I SAW IT HAPPEN) dirt turns into silt...washes down stream...builds up against MY land...I own this accretion...

Slow avulsion...over a number of years...a chute cut forms...back behind my cabin on the river...every year it cuts deeper...until one time (SLOW AND IMPERCEPTIBLE)...the river is behind my cabin...but I can still identify my land...I still own the land...

Like Chris said...It depends...

Attached files

Point Derivations.pdf (347.5 KB) 

Not to mention COE permanent easements or FEMA floodways...

recreation navigability...

...or them damn canoes...


Dan "Fast accretion...the river jumps up...the banks cave...(OVER NIGHT...I SAW IT HAPPEN)"

is NOT ACCRETION, reliction maybe

:cat: settled on the my bank fast enough...that accretion was pretty fast...

(the banks caving would be FAST Erosion)

give ya that one

:cat: :cat: :cat:


It was almost an inside joke between me and Chris...

We spent a week with James Simpson and Jerry Knight...40 hours of the best of the best...two overhead projectors and a lot of power point...

Fast Accretion and Slow Avulsion...

River and Lake Boundaries...James Simpson

and Johnny Cash...How High is the the Water, Momma...


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